Saturday, November 11, 2006

Me and my guitar will strum along ... :-)

here's my first mp3... !! ;-)
Actually, it's just a very uncouth imitation of first part of a song 'You Are Everywhere'
by the famous grammy award winning singer Michelle Branch.
(in the pic here.. .. very incidentally, my guitar looks very much like the guitar she's holding in the pic .. except for the F-cut)

i fell in love with my guitar the moment my friend Sri selected it for purchase. From then on, its been (and still) a hell of a time at home and office for my family and colleagues seeing my struggle with my twwwweeeeess .. and krrrrrrsssss ...

at last i got the enthu to see if i can record something i have been killing people with. I tweaked around with KRecord (thanx to all those KRecord developers from KDE) and ffmpeg (again no words for that wonderful piece of s/w from mplayer devs ..) now i will be able to record mp3s. :-) ... . to start on people who don't get to bear my playing directly. I expect i shall post more and more mp3s as i can start playing more and more songs. Currently i also muff it up totally if i try to open my mouth while playing. No ... no singing and playing right now .. I'll be waiting for that day when i can do that .. till then ... all the best amigos .. :-)

Definitely with my Intex mike i can't expect to get great clarity in recording. I tried to get a studio level environment .. the silence and minimum distrubance due to other electronic gadgets, in this 20 sec piece .. for the first 5 seconds you'll hear some guy honking his car horn on the road adjacent to my place. so its just a 15 second pure cacaphony. Hope people enjoy it.


At 12 November, 2006 22:05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lemme comment here too. :-)
good one chax. already waitin 4 yer next rendition.


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