the readers of Astrerix comic series are very much aware of the hilarious naming conventions followed there.Last night i was reading (should I say revising for umpteenth time) "Asterix and the Caeser's gift" where an old drunkard legionary called Tremensdelirious who, as a punishment to use swear words against Caeser, is given the indomitable village of Gauls as a gift. I particularly liked the way they depicted his drunkardness and delirious speech. First of all the very picture of his face ... I really like the way in which his nose is all notched up and one can almost feel the trench of his breath ... here is a pic where he is *talking* to his mate in the arms ... (after he is totally drunk ofcourse ... )Absolutely hats off to Gosciny and Underzo for their illustrations and choice of names, dialogues, songs and everything else ... IMHO, one of the best comic series ever ...
To give a good idea about the naming skills of these two chaps just consider the name ...
"Squaronthehypotenus" for an architect. Basic high school goemetry that we study cosily in our classrooms today came from the romans and greeks. The very idea of keeping such a name for an architect in the story reflects on the ingenuity of their minds... I especially liked their depiction of tremensdelirious offering his to give his opinion on Julius Caesar.